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I won't forget you forever
And I aslk along along and winding road
The sun has just born And yellowsand are dreaming so well
I can't get back forever
to the day when we tickling each other
I'm sure that uproarious furture is
waiting for me than I have expected

"I love you" even by its sound
I felt I could be stronger
I shall hold the tiny pleasure tight
till it is become crushed

Feelings which spill out of my heart
I wrote down with dirty hands
Though Itold you to cast it away
as soon as possible, Oh oh...
Let it open in a cold river
which seems to be slightly sleepy
But that kind of memory
is now passing through me
like it is being urged on

"I kove you"even by its sound
I felt I could be stronger
I hope I can meet again by chance
with you at this place on same other day

However did I walk, I cannt struggle along to
your cheek gotten wet by snow of your heart
I splitted off some songs, pretending to be adevil
but please change them to petals flitting, in the wing of spring

I won't forget you forever
And I aslk along along and winding road
I'm sure that uproarious furture is
waiting for me than I have expected

"I love you" even by its sound
I felt I could be stronger
I shall hold the tiny pleasure tight
till it is become crushed

Earnestly as well as fudging on
I felt Icould get through my life
I hope I can meet again by chance
with you at this place on same other day

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